2025 Washington Affordable Housing Management Convention
April 15-16, 2025 Seattle Convention Center
The Washington Affordable Management Convention features a full schedule of insightful and informative programs. The event brings together Affordable Housing Professionals and creates a unique opportunity for education and interaction.
Registration fees:
Early Bird Rate: Member: $549 (payment must be received by March 27, 2025) Non-Member $700:
Early Bird rate ends on March 27, 2025.
Group Registration:
Group registration is only available for 3 or more people from the same company/organization.
We are still finalizing our schedule so check back often for updates.

Cancellation fee is $125 until March 27, 2025. March 28-April 10, $175 cancellation fee. After April 10 there is no refund for cancellations.
Substitutions are welcome. There is a $50 fee per substitution.
Hotel Information
Sheraton Grand Seattle $244 Single/Double 1400 6th Ave (206) 621-9000
Information on our new membership directory and exhibit and sponsor opportunities will be available soon.
Information on our new membership directory and exhibit and sponsor opportunities will be available soon.